
The wines listed on the following pages have been personally selected by our head chef. We are proud to serve most popular wines and drinks from the world. The fine dine experience at our place will be mesmerized by you for long. We take immense pleasure to serve the global cuisine here at Suite Bar & Restaurant. Each wine has a traditional touch, and we have bought the authentic recipes and drink combination just for you. We have selected wines that highlight the features and expressions of their native regions. Before picking wines for the service, we ensure that wines are aged for a long time.

Life is all about celebration. Visit us and celebrate the occasions with wine and sweets.

Our policy of knowledge transfer molds the chefs into kitchen king. A glass of wine with the loved ones is surely a great fun. Taste new flavors and enjoy the delightful and delicious meals here at Suite Bar.

Our friendly staffers offer the best suggestion in choosing food and drinks. So, relax and enjoy eating out with us.

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